Our Team

  • Alfredo Khouri Jr

    Founding Partner - Chief Executive Officer and Investment Officer

    • Member of the Committees: Executive / Investment and Risk / Compliance
    • Partner and CEO of Grupo Catuaí
    • 23 years of experience in the real estate market
    • Certifications: CGA; Enabled by the CVM as a Resource Manager
    • Graduated in Business Administration from FAAP

    Compliance and Risk Director

    • Member of the Committees: Executive / Investment and Risk / Compliance
    • 23 years of experience in the financial and real estate market
    • Passage through Bradesco and MRV
    • Graduated in Civil Engineering from UNESP
    • MBA in Finance from FIA

    Legal Director

    • Member of the administrative and legal
    • 13 years of experience in the financial market as a member of the legal and structuring teams
    • Passage through RB Investimentos and BMA Advogados
    • Graduated in Law (Mackenzie)
  • Alex Kolberg Ferraz

    Equity Analyst

    • Member of the analysis and fund management team
    • 8 years of experience in the financial market
    • Certifications: CNPI
    • Passage through Itaú BBA as Lead Analyst of Real Estate Research, and Santander Asset
    • Graduated in Business Administration from FGV – EAESP
  • Ernesto Ike Rahmani

    Investment Analyst

    • Member of the analysis and fund management team
    • 6 years of experience in the financial market
    • Certifications: CGA and CPA-20
    • Time at Bradesco Private Bank and JGP Wealth Management
    • Graduated in Business Administration from FGV – EAESP
  • Otávio de Melo Droghetti

    Investment Analyst

    • Member of the analysis and fund management team
    • 10 years of experience in the real estate market
    • Passage through Sobloco Construtora
    • Graduated in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie
  • Priscilla de Lima Tangioni

    Administrative, compliance and risk analyst

    • Member of the administrative, compliance and risk team
    • 15 years of experience
    • Passage through Pandurata, ABN Amro e AES Eletropaulo
    • Undergraduate law student


  • Thomaz Rodrigues Pires

    Senior Engineer

    • Member of the Enginnering and maintenance team
    • 10 years of experience in the construction area
    • Graduated in Civil Engineer from FESP
    • MBA in Budget Management from INPG
  • Odilson Gomes Braz Neto

    Jr Investment Analyst

    • Member of the analysis and fund management team
    • 2 years of experience in the financial market
    • Passage through Citibank
    • Graduated in Business Administration from FGV – EAESP